

Mediation Network Foundation (MNF) was established in 2019 to create a platform for families in need to reach out to professionals for assistance. Four professionals in their respective fields gave birth to a national outreach for family wellness, and during three new devisions was added to the foundation which servises now include councelling, life coaching and psychiatric evaluations.

Two facets of the foundation came alive offering employee assistance and family wellness means of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Social Services.

Duly Accredited and Registered Mediators and Social Workers offering services to individuals, families and Employers in Divorce Care, Unwed Father’s Rights, Parenting Plans, High Conflict Parenting, Co-Parenting Workshops, Social Services, Alienated Parents, Voice of the Child and Mind Moves for minors.

A further service to include Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP’s). During our careers, we may experience professional and/or personal situations that affect our capacity to perform appropriately at our workplace and with many EAP’S not having in-contact programmes with members the problem remains unresolved.

MNF can play a vital role providing you with knowledge and resources to support your wellbeing. MNF is here to help, and it is entirely confidential.


The professionals of the organization have a dream to change the future for all South Africans and in doing so we need to return to our roots.


When communities are called to return to their roots – we ensure there is no reason to fear the wind.


MNF will help you manage your separation and divorce, through focused support, with the aim that parents maintain secure and loving attachment with their children.

MNF endorses Employee Assistance Programmes incorporating protective factors that prevent long-term risk and problems through the diversion of Workplace Mediation, Labour Consultants, Trauma Counsellors and Employee productivity.


The birth of Mediation Network Foundation was to create a platform of professionals of Mediators, Social Workers, Clinical Psychologists, Play Therapists, Trauma Counsellors, Financial Planners and Legal Services.

Professionals assisting congested Court Rolls and Judicial Systems failing mothers wanting unpaid maintenance, fathers having been estranged from their children and family members not being able to cope with everyday life stressors and financial burdens.

Soon after, the potential value of what Mediation could apply to Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) was realized and a second birth emerged:

MNF’s Family Wellness Programme

An Employee Assistance Programme incorporating the value of Family Wellness in terms of Mediation and Social Services in society was then established. Whilst SME’s affiliate with a programme that offers limited services to their employees, Mediation Network Foundation’s birth awoke a newly found generation to add the protentional value of mediation to the applied field.

We put families first.

About the Founders

Nomakhaya Siyotula (Director)

Namakhaya is a highly skilled Registered Social Worker with significant experience in the field including Correctional Services. She has been a Social Worker in practice since 1998. She continually engages in professional development and has attended numerous professional skill development courses. She is eager to use skills and extensive experience applicable in the Private Sector. She looks forward to utilizing her existing professional network and building lasting professional relationships within the public and private sectors. She is a counsellor rendering counselling and wellness to families in need. Nomakhaya is accredited as a Mediator with Social Justice. Nomakhaya is now dually qualified to perfeorm pre-sentencing screening evaluations.

ACCREDITATION: UNISA: Master in Social Work, UNISA: Employee Assistance Program Certificate, UNISA: BA (Honors) Psychology, University of Fort Hare: BA Social Work

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Innocent Anzani (Director)

Innocent is a Registered Social Worker and has been in the field since 2013. He is in ongoing training and attended multiple workshops and professional skills development courses. He holds a Bachelor’s in Social Work from North West University; attended the SAVF Botswadi Parental Guidance Program. Innocent also has knowledge of the child cantered approach, motivational interview method, three house assessment tools, Batho Pele Principles, Children’s Act No. 38 of 2005 as amended, Child Justice Act and, Employment Equity Act.


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Alta du Toit (Managing Director)

Alta holds a National Paralegal Diploma and has worked in the Legal Profession for 18 years, during which time she was responsible for various Family Law Disputes, Third Party Negotiations, and Human Resource Management. She is a Parenting Co-Ordinator in private practice, and a high conflict negotiator. She is ADR Certified, and a NABFAM Accredited Family & Divorce Mediator.  A good standing member of SAPA, IPM, SAAM, Social Justice, and Johannesburg Welfare Organization. Alta is a dually registered NLP Life Coach. Offering services such as: Co-Parenting workshops and Inter Personal Problem programs.  ACCREDITATION: Institute of People Management (IPM), South African Paralegal Association (SAPA), National Accreditation Board for Family Mediators (NABFAM) Alternative Dispute Resolution Certified (ADR), Employee Assistance Provider Network service provider and member (EAP-SA), Member of Social Justice, SAAM & Johannesburg Welfare Organization.

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Marlene Du Plessis (Mediator)

We proudly welcome Marlene as one of our latest new Team Member to join the MNF Mediation Family!

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This is why you should choose us


MNF professional staff follows an Ethical Code of Conduct and all cases are handled with utmost professional confidentiality. All clients and members’ information is stored and used solely for company purposes and we are fully POPIA Act Compliant.


All experts are fully certified registered accredited in accordance with their respective governing bodies. Professionals and Affiliates remain in ongoing training and are kept up to date with changing laws and legislation.


Affordable and fair pricing options are available. ProBono services are subject to full compliant means test application. Monthly instalments packages are available. Contact us today to discuss a payment option suited for your needs.